Green Passion - Moonrocks (CHF 35.00/5g)
Passion Verte
Moonrocks, or caviar as it's also known, is a premium blend of cannabis flowers, concentrate, pure CBD crystal and flower pollen. The process elevates smoking to a whole new level and has become a favorite for many connoisseurs.
CBD: up to 70%
Green Passion -Moonrocks
Only the best quality indoor hemp flowers are used to make Moonrocks CBD Green Passion. Each hemp flower is carefully hand-dipped in high-concentration hemp extract, then coated with 99% pure CBD crystals and high-quality flower pollen, giving Moonrocks their very high CBD content of up to 70%. Smoking Moonrocks Green Passion differs slightly from smoking conventional CBD flowers. Here are some tips and tricks for a good Moon landing:
- Don't grind: A normal grinder will probably have difficulty grinding due to the sticky texture. In addition, grinding could tear the Moonrocks apart into their individual components. Instead, use your fingers or scissors to break or crush them gently.
- Moonrocks are generally consumed in a pipe, bong or bubbler.
- Recommended blend ratio: 90% tobacco, 10% Moonrocks