OCB Bamboo Single 1 1/4
25 pieces
1. Particularly durable
Bamboo is a grass that can grow up to a metre in a single day! It can reach full size in 3 to 7 years, compared with conventional trees which take over 30 years to grow.
2. Versatile and zero waste!
Bamboo is an incredibly versatile plant, and its durable fibers are used for many things including textiles, building materials and medicines. As almost every part of the bamboo plant can be used, there's no waste!
3. Good for the planet
Bamboo produces 35% more oxygen and absorbs 2 times more carbon dioxide than trees. *
4. A natural crop One of the most robust plants against disease and weeds. Growing bamboo requires no chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides, and compared with other plants, it consumes very little water.
5. A recyclable resource Bamboo roots remain in the soil so they can expand, helping to prevent soil erosion, flooding and massive changes to the local ecosystem.
*Source: Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials